Supporting Canadian Athletes

Founded by Melissa Lotholz, 2x Olympian & World Championship medalist, and Alex Klein, Professional Basketball Player turned Bobsled Athlete, Eh Team Apparel is not just another clothing brand; it's a movement aimed at bolstering the Canadian athletic community.

Our Vision & Mission
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Eh Team Apparel Supported by Kardia

"At Kardia, we are deeply committed to enhancing wellness and healthcare, so it excites us to support those who represent our country with pride and determination. Our support for Eh Team Apparel stems from this commitment, as they play a pivotal role in empowering athletes. By offering athletes avenues to generate revenue through quality apparel, Eh Team Apparel enables these dedicated individuals to focus on their health, wellness, and training. This partnership aligns with our ethos at Kardia, where we strive to create environments that nurture the full potential of every individual. Together, we are supporting not just athletes, but the very spirit of excellence and perseverance they embody."